Nutrition Counseling is helpful for anyone seeking to find balance and peace in their relationship with food, and is an essential component for clients with eating disorders.
Nutrition Consultation & Counseling
Whether you are embarking on the process of recovering from an eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, or other forms of Disordered Eating including Orthorexia Nervosa, compulsive eating, emotional eating or chronic dieting, working with a Registered Dietitian who is a Certified New York State Dietitian-Nutritionist is a critical component of an individual’s recovery journey.
Aurora’s approach to food is called Aligned Eating, which promotes the long-term goal of repairing the ruptured relationship with food, so that eating is in alignment with what best supports a persons physiological/nutrition needs, specific goals, and food preferences. Aligned Eating incorporates principles of structured eating, with mindfulness practices, and incorporates the main values and principles from leading experts in the field, Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, CEDRD-S & Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD, F.iaedp, FADA, FAND the co-creators of the life-changing Intuitive Eating, and Linda Bacon, PhD, author of Health at Every Size and Body Respect. Aligned Eating is anti-diet, and offers a weight neutral approach to treatment. Aligned Eating believes that all bodies are good bodies, and that any person, in any body, can engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors that offer healing benefits, without resorting to a harmful diet. Aligned Eating helps individuals cultivate body respect, body trust and develop the necessary tools to manage the responsibility of a body, while also making space to enjoy the pleasurable moments that come from eating experiences.
At Aurora, individuals are welcome to work with one of our on-site Registered Dietitian colleagues, or you may receive nutrition services from outside non-affiliated nutritionists. Whomever you choose, your Aurora team will work collaboratively to ensure continuity of care so that your recovery journey is always an individualized and personalized experience.